The Republican led government in Iowa is destroying our state. I feel hopeless beyond measure at every news story regarding what the recent legislature has done, and to what Kim Reynolds continues to do. It will only change with new Democratic leaders. Voting is the only way out of this nightmare brought to us by the GOP. Thank you for your perspective. I hope I live long enough to see the winds change direction for our state.

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Chuck, thanks for these needed words. History will not be kind to our state if the defunding assault on higher education continues unabated. We should not wish to distinguish ourselves as another island in the greater world of ideas and critical thinking.

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I have worked in admissions at Iowa's Big Ten University since 2001. I agree with everything you're saying.

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Thank you, Mr. Offenburger, for your service to Iowa and education.

"Growth" in students enrolled, however, will be difficult given the lowest USA fertility rate on record--1.62/1000 women (includes immigrants) in 2023. This is steadily down from 2.85 in 1965 and far below the replacement rate of 2.1 that would enable a population to maintain. "Growth" would be possible, of course, by cannibalizing lesser institutions but only to their detriment (Iowa Wesleyan; ?Drake). Just as a rising tide raises all boats a receding tide runs many aground and additional funding by government won't change this lifestyle choice.

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Chuck - I jut finished reading After the Ivory Tower Falls which views American higher education and how society has evolved since the GI Bill to today -this is not just happening in Iowa, and he traces how his has occured while examining the "negative" impact having or not having an education has impacted society today.

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