Glad you’re back, and wishing you both the best of health. Those of us who steadfastly remain in Iowa need all of the good nature and happy outlook we can get. It is helpful to have company as we push back against the mindless cruelty. I look forward to your thoughts. 😊

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Here's hoping you both enjoy full recoveries! And I love this:

"Your column is like a lifeline,” I’ve told them. “When you’re a real writer, you write in good times, you write in bad times, you write all the time.”

Yes! Get back at it. I'll look forward to hearing from you soon. All best to you both

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Take good care of yourselves, Mary and Chuck. We NEED you two here!! 💖

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Glad that you are back in the saddle. Your observation, comments, and optimism are needed now, more than ever. Art Cullen gives us the snarky; you provide us with the positive.

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Get well soon, Chuck! Same to Mary!

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Welcome back!

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Take care of yourself, Chuck, and Mary, too. Cataract surgery is truly amazing. Minimally invasive with unbelievable results and speedy recovery.

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I share at least some of your thoughts on aging and knowing that did me some good. Soon the signs of spring will abound and you’ll be back to the same optimistic Vandy fan we’ve all known. You are needed around here.

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Glad you two are on the mend ❤️‍🩹

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Wow! So glad to see you back and sorry for all you and Mary have gone through! Don't try to do too much too fast ....maybe you both should get away together for a bit. Your leadership is important and these times call for great leadership, which you both provide. Take good care!

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Welcome back, Chuck! Feel better - both of you.

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Keep ‘em coming! We definitely need you!

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All of Iowa is happy to have you back.

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Welcome back!! We have missed you. Continue to take very good care of one another. Love that picture!

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Welcome back!

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Glad you’re back and that you and Mary have each other to walk together toward recovery!

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