Hi Chuck, you won't remember me, but I remember you visiting Marshalltown Senior High School in 1986 or so when you came to see George Haws. I was his student teacher and you and he sat in his office and laughed and told stories. He gave me a film to show his class--I think he called it the Positive Attitude class, which meant most of the students had been kicked out of other classes. (I was a young minister's wife who had just gone through a difficult divorce and was back in college training to be a high school teacher. The first day I walked into his classroom, half a dozen students were sitting on top of the desks almost challenging me to teach them something. But George got through to them). I learned a couple of valuable lessons. One, Always preview the film! It was without doubt the most nauseating piece I've ever viewed about the effects of using smokeless tobacco--including shots of people's mouths all sunken in, missing pieces. Two, even in a room full of tough students, someone will be helpful. I was loading the film and a student whispered, "Turn the machine around! You're aiming for the front." I felt like I'd been tossed into the gladiator's pit, but I recall that the students and I were all so appalled by the film that they didn't give me any problems that day! George was one of the finest teachers I worked with, a combination of tender and tough. Thanks for the memory, Chuck! (I went on to teach as an adjunct at the Community College level and sub in high school for a decade, and then landed a full time teaching job at Hawkeye Community College. Thankfully, I never had to worry about aiming another projector again.

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What an entertaining read! I loved every word!

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Congratulations on your career both past and present. I have always appreciated your writing, and I look forward to continuing to do so. Thank you for your e exellent writing and reporting.

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Chuck, your reputation at the Register is why I signed up to your Substack. My father, Donald Reese, was a regular reader all through my childhood, and a frequent letter writer to the Register. I think he and my mother rode RAGBRAI partly because of you. My son plans to ride RAGBRAI next year. Thank you for these incredible stories.

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Wow! Incredible memories. The history of Iowa and Iowans during my adult life. Made me smile and shed a few tears. I anticipated reading every column all those years. You have had a great life. Thank you for the pleasure and information you shared with us faithful readers. ❤️😊

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You were (and still are) one of the very best, Chuck! And the reason I started to read the Register in the first place 🌟

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